I AM Present

I AM Present

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


5 July 16


Dear God

Your Presence and nearness
Thrills me beyond reason.
I am intrigued and overwhelmed
By the mystery that
Is You within me.
Hours and hours of pondering
Mean exactly nothing.
And I find myself momentarily
In the Vastness of You
So far divorced from the little me.

What, You within me?
That is and has
To be the greatest miracle ever!
What a gift; what an achievement
What a treasure chest of wealth
Awaits in Oneness with You.
It’s too stupendous to contemplate
That I’d rather not.

Only to say
I AM yours
In every way, every day.
Do with me as thou will
And ONLY as THOU will
Flood me with the deliciousness
of your sweet embrace
In ecstasy, together, we
Will do the dance
Of the Beloveds unto eternity.
So sings my heart this day.

It and I am yours for the taking
Pluck me now, God
I AM ripe and ready

It might sound trite
But singer Donna Summer’s
Old song comes to mind:
‘Could it be magic now
‘Now, come into my heart
Let me know the wonder
Of all of You now...’

In Truth, there is nothing
To give up; nothing to lose
Because the life of the little self
Is nothing when it compares
to what the
Grandness of Yours must be...

What is this sweet mystery
That pulls and pushes me
Hither and thither
That I may willingly
Walk into the heart of You
Within me.

Is THIS - relaxing into your
Loving embrace - what surrender means?

Oh, sweet joy...
How can I ever thank you
Enough? What can I do
To express my undying
This day

For this day is all I have
It is all there is

How may I serve thee,
Dear God?
You have only to state
Your every desire.

As I sink further, deeper,
Into the Oneness of your
Heart within Mine.

As you have reminded
Me more than once
On the subject of Oneness
‘Who knows where
The gin meets the tonic
In a glass’?

You are MY tonic,
Dear God. The only
Thing I need or want
To sustain myself.

Without You there is
No life ...none
There can only
Be a life with(in) the
Source and Centre
Of all.

So it is and so be it!