I AM Present

I AM Present

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Letters to El (2)

Hey El Hope you’re navigating as best you can in your specific life circumstances atm. I wrote something last week ready to post, then deleted as it all suddenly paled into insignificance. Later, just before the weekend, I rewrote this below without editing…I was flat out for most of it. ‘Twas all in my head 🤣…quite literally. Today, the Earth VR game continues..both in here and out there. it’s getting ‘steeper’ the higher we climb and I’m feeling it. Thank God for rejuvenating rest. I’m keen to clarify a point or two I made last time. My other dimensional-energetic experiences are not the be all and end all of my life. They’re both catalysts and consequences of this shift we’re all making. Now knowing I Am not my thoughts or feelings after a lifetime of programming is helping to accelerate the processing of ‘shadow’ challenges that felt almost-impossible to move previously. Which isn’t to say I’m not sometimes also experiencing unpleasant events, thoughts or feelings I’d rather not think about or feel,mixed up in the daily soup of life. So no, this is not the walk in the park I previously mentioned. What I do know is i am moving further and further away from the little identity and more into the No-thingness that I AM. However, I’m not yet in 100% surrender…and may/may not get to experience that in this lifetime. My Likes, dislikes, interests, focuses et al are also all in a permanent state of flux. The majority of us find it difficult to accept that we can change at all. “This is who I am and there’s nothing I or anyone can do about it”, we say defensively, with almost stubborn pride deciding we are hostage to our personalities (the troublemaking negative ego and selves). That programme of denial walks hand-in-hand with the one of ‘what’s wrong’: with ourselves, each other, the world or even the weather. I remarked to an acquaintance the other day on the gorgeousness of the summer’s day we were enjoying : “Yes, but apparently it’s going to rain tomorrow”, she said. The desire is to see the negative, pessimistic side of things before-and often at the exclusion of-anything else. One of my own struggles that I didn’t even know was one…until a few years ago! As a rather freakish teen I had two distinct sides:an entertaining joker with loads of friends and a deep-thinking, analyzing, existentialist-obsessed loner. I kept the latter to myself so it wouldn’t destroy the former, or so I thought.I questioned everything all the time -much to the irritation of my family - and had different views from most folk I knew on almost every subject. Finding the rare ‘agendaless’ authors/specialists to confirm my suspicions in the 70’s and 80’s meant endless library visits. But it was really during my globetrotting 20’s that I discovered those trusted, independent authors hadn’t let me down, when exposed to masses of inter-cultural experiences. For the next several decades I felt it was my duty & obligation to humanity and my mission to ‘wake up’ anyone showing the slightest interest in querying the fake matrix, it’s systems, who ran it and why. I’d get exposes and investigative pieces published, speak on Truther subjects when interviewed by others, join related organizations and interview local activists and global gurus, like David Icke. But here’s what I was intellectually ACTUALLY doing-at least until 2020/21: I was contributing to the dark parasites frequency fest/feast every inch of the way. How? Because anything opposing anything else creates…? Yes, more opposition energy; more resistance. Regardless of whether its an inner conflict never voiced, with another or my own broadcasts of stated opposition to the dp’s activities. Our low fear-related frequencies (think despair, confusion, victim hood, depression etc)have been the dp’s energetic smorgasbord. It’s how we’ve sustained them on Earth for this long. I’m not saying I don’t admire the many courageous ones who are speaking out on all the atrocities committed against HuManity or that they should stop. No. But there is another Way. Our every choice aligns to either Love or Fear(false evidence appearing real) and this determines everyone’s VR Earth game. So seeing them as soul playing the dark role for us to ‘get’ it, makes it easier to accept. I’m working on this atm, including separation consciousness: the US vs THEM. Separation consciousness applies to our views on everything including politics, religion, all the ‘isms’ etc. While we’ve been buying into that via our fast-held opinions, we’ve succumbed unknowingly to the ‘divide and conquer’ tactic. Unity consciousness is its opposite. The fake matrix’s collapse is well underway now and the New Earth is upon us.To help accelerate both, dreaming, imagining and pondering these notions is something we can all contribute to with minimal effort. Waiting in the wings and getting ready to serve HUmanity compassionately and for the highest and best of all-including Mama Earth and her other species-are all manner of folk. Whether collaborating to bring life to their visions that serve others or introducing models of integrity in biz/politics/governance and much more.The pioneers and leaders of the New Earth. However, I don’t see some of these, like the post 2000 kids, challenged by things I/we older folk have been. It was their good timing to be born when they chose, automatically having their DNA strands all connected, helping them function from a more whole place. Anyhow, my shift in focus to how I see myself, others and the world-while not sweeping darkness’s doings under the carpet- is a work in progress… Gratitude for Kerry K’s quote in a recent blog which succinctly articulated the whole issue for me. “Promote what you love and banish what you hate”🙏