I AM Present

I AM Present

Monday, September 25, 2017

Your Number One Priority by TATA

25 September 2017

There is no OTHER. Yet still you compartmentalise our Oneness. I have used the word ‘unit’ before that you might feel the singular, the unity of who we are, as One being.

It is not easy, it seems, for you to NOT identify with your mind and its limitations. Yet this is what must be done for you to see yourself/us as who we truly are.

When you submit to your mind’s version of what you think and believe we are, you will automatically interpret in and through separation, ie, fragmentation, categorisation and compartmentalisation. It is the way the machine mind works. However, it (the mind) is not to be suppressed. Rather, it is for you to firmly disengage from any and all of its tricks – designed to keep you in IT, rather than in your heart, which is the location of Me.

Most of your day is spent being held hostage by the mind, its tricks, fears and needs for the upper hand. It is time to change this that you may know your Truth, the sovereignty of standing in your I AM.

Not just for some of the time as fleeting feelings and sensations that quickly seem to pass you by, but as a permanent experience. This is to be your new reference point; the new basis upon and from which your life, your real and True life, that is, will stem.

In this state all things are possible. It is in this state that your cup runneth over and that by doing nothing other than be-ing, you serve the world. For in this state you are in and living your Oneness with Me.

It is this changing of your reference point about yourselves that is priority now. It is this which is the necessary next step in your expansion/return to yourselves. However, this requires a good measure of awareness of your thoughts and feelings and the discipline to shift away from the mental chatter and subsequent emotional responses, and into the heart.

For those of you who still primarily live on autopilot, there is work to be done. This is not just for some, but for all those choosing the path of service to humanity. For how else can you serve if you stand not in your own Truth and power?

Yes, it is extremely difficult whilst you have habitually been interacting with yourselves, life and others for so long in auto-response fashion. Though the help now is all around thee, but for the asking. Reach out, extend yourselves and make daily effort and thus will ye receive the required help in your respective challenges.

Keep moving yourselves back to the heart with each challenging feeling or thought. Whether fear, anxiety, stress, feeling powerlessness, vulnerability, anger or any other such emotion and associated thoughts, take yourself instantly back to the heart. Then feel the Love, reassurance, support and comfort immediately overwhelm all those low-frequency feelings and thoughts that previously overwhelmed you.

It will take a little getting used to. But keep at it, daily and hourly if possible, and success will be yours before you know it. Make this your Number One priority, give it consistent attention and you will begin to know a different Life. The one you were destined to live.

Shellee-Kim’s TATA (God Within)