Mighty I AM Presence and God, Source of all Sources
Let us be for you like hollow reeds being blown gently in the wind...the wind of your consciousness.
Knowing the firm but gentle presence of our sovereignty, which is YOU fully active within US,
We SHALL overcome-just by Being; we SHALL be the warriors of Change and we SHALL know what it is we are expected to do for YOU, your Will...that is to bless everyone and anyone on our Paths.
Let our God hearts, which we are within, expand to contain us in the field of the Mighty Power that is You. We are microcosmically and macrocosmically both containing and are contained by the force of You and Your Love.
Held within us and embracing us both, We are One...merged field; ever shifting; ever expanding and ever more Knowing by the minute.
Is it not glorious, that we are so privileged to re-member and know this experience on Earth...even as we may already BE naturally it in the heavenly realms?
Is it not the grandest gift to be able to serve Him in this manner that grants us the opportunity to demonstrate our grace and gratitude to His Life within us?
Life is, indeed, a crazy, roller-coaster journey of highs and lows – until we choose to get off the ride.
This is the natural next step in our Freedom in God. Celebrating Him!
What an extraordinary time (and expansive, no time) the past four to six weeks have been. Have others been experiencing similarly to me? I would so like to know what sweetness of inner/outer experiences you have had also.
I have no idea whether this is the Wave at work, but I’ve realized all it takes to know who we really are is to let go of who and what we’re NOT.
From then it becomes only choice to stay in that place of Truth within ourselves. And all the striving, which can so easily become strife-ing instead, can cease to be such a great emotional burden it is or has been for us.
How utterly glorious, then, is it to be gifted with new inner tools of awareness that make this journey of re-membrance of the goddesses and gods that we are that bit easier. Or is it merely that the adversarial fears have now been swept aside by that far more powerful force, leaving us more easily ale to see, feel and live our God Selves. And without trying so hard.
Whichever it is (I sense the latter) - Glory be to God in all this extra support. What sweeeeet liberation!
I mean, when, in God’s name, did I feel so compelled to do a backwards ‘bollemakiesie’ (SA for ‘somersault’) as I have again today :-)? Not in many years...
I mentioned expansive no time earlier as I don’t know how else to describe some of what I’ve experienced. But there’s also been a sensation of living each day in it’s entirety – as if it were both the first and the last day. Truth be told, there is no 'tomorrow' to fear anymore...it's all happening right now, simultaneously. And what tomorrow brings has the least meaning it ever did in my life.
This, even as I've experienced the opening and closing of timelines, with the past year feeling like so much has been lived, because it has.
Maybe the result is learning how to be more present in the moment and living the now with far greater ease.
I was out food shopping in a working class area at outdoor market stalls. I glanced across to the end of the stall nearby and caught the eye of a slim, middle-aged woman. Next second she appeared to momentarily vanish in some type of mist and then I saw her ‘fragments’ re-assemble back to her full body self once more. Think the Matrix movie here. Don't ask as I don't have an answer about this yet.
Many exciting moments of breakthrough of personal awareness and other lovely experiences have all taken place in my own little garden.
I was doing a morning communiqué over coffee in the sun recently when I was blessed with another expanded experience.
I felt every blade of grass waiting...waiting...in sweet anticipation. Then the wind lifted a bit, enough to make the blades shiver and I felt the wind kissing and embracing them and the gorgeous dance of harmony and love and oneness between the grass blades and the wind. They'd been waiting to be kissed by the wind. I felt what it was like to be both the wind and the grass in that moment.
It was truly a Divine one and I’m now struggling and in two minds about mowing my grass and have let it get very long.
The emotion and sensation of it remains. And I cannot begin to think what living that kind of expanded consciousness experience must feel like if you’re able to stay in it all day, every day.
I don't know if I'd ever get to do anything productive except be in a kind of stoned, exhilirated, harmonious, anticipation of the orchestra of Life constantly playing around me.
To top it, in this period I’ve so far had three back-to-back days of exquisite Joy again. In those moments and days I hardly know what to do with myself; it’s almost too much too bear. I call it the Unbearable Lightness of Being. My favourite actress, Juliet Binoche, starred in a movie of the same name.
There’ve been other experiences that have been metaphysical, mystical, magical and to me, this falls into this ‘extraordinary’ category. If we all experienced this all day, every day, it would be an amazing consciousness adventure. Not that it isn’t already. But you know what I mean.
If I had to describe this period in a word so far, I would use the word ‘exhilirating’. Of course there’ve been days which have been crappy emotionally or/and those temple and skull aches and I’ve also had my first cold in years. Not to mention the discovery and clearance of a nasty attachment and more.
But so what – because we, beloved people, are ever and always gifted with choice. We are blessed to be able, if we so wish, to choose a different way to react to all that occurs in our living. Every single moment...of every single day.
What a gift is this Life!
Thank you into eternity to the One who made it all possible – Heart of my heart, Soul of my soul...God.
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Posted by Goldsalchemy at Sunday, May 29, 2016
Labels: psy-ops, dimensions, dark A GROUNDED SPACE CADET RANTS
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