I AM Present

I AM Present

Thursday, February 27, 2014

What Is To Come - The Trinity/Triodity Sisters

What Is To Come

by the

Trinity/Triodity Sisters



24 February 2014

Sisters of Triodities/Trinity We Are (said 3 x in almost sing-song like fashion)

SK: We haven't spoken before - at least this way...

Trinity/Triodity Sisters: Indeed, we haven't. Well, not officially. But here we are with you today.
And this is indeed a public message. We come today with great joy in our hearts. For your realm is to begin to display the unfoldment of a show and tell that will leave your populace quite stunned.

SK: What does that mean exactly?

TS: It means, our beloved friend, we are to make our presence known in your dimension, amongst your people.
It also means the time for action is upon you. And please do not expect your dealings with others to necessarily be smooth...growth rarely is.

It is the time of the 'quickening'. And all that occurs from hereon out will be marked by very intense experiences, emotions and a great deal of change for everyone on every level.

We are most excited by these changes-to-be as they represent to us all, including those beyond your portals/world, a great shift and a wondrous opportunity. For it is this that heralds in the grand 'New Day'; where all have opportunity to graduate into their chosen new state.
We see this as a magnificent blessing; a bestowal of Source/God upon all life in this sector.

You, who have readied yourselves, for the great Gift of the ages, stand Tall now to both deliver of Truth and to Receive of it.
The support each one of you has is truly stupendous. You are surrounded by teams of Light beings, both those who are of a protective order as well as those who specialise in the fields you do.
[SK:experts in YOUR own area of speciality]
This will all serve to enhance your own offerings now. This is truly a co-creative effort of note and one which those from elsewhere watch with some degree of envy.

You are the major players in a class act to be. And your respective positions are a most privileged one.
Serving Source in this fashion through his son CMA is an opportunity for many as you observe this Creator Son's handiwork and his choices as he brings this planet into its own.

His has been no easy chore. And he is cheered on by those near and far for his innovative approach to a world that was at one time unlikely to ever see the Light of day again.
It has been a remarkable process to witness.

We stand by, ready to serve you and yours...

Thank you for allowing us the space to bring forth our message today.

We bless you and leave you now

We are the Sisters of Triodities/Trinity