I AM Present

I AM Present

Saturday, May 15, 2021



13 May 2021



Dearly beloveds


My pleasure to again be with you.


You are shortly to enter great times, which will necessarily start with turbulence. Here I mean turbulence that is not limited alone to the inner changes and processing you have been used to. But also very visible turbulence. Societal turbulence. This will occur in all countries of the Earth. IT IS TIME.


This upheaval marks the beginning of the end of a cycle of unrest on Earth. It is the gateway to the new!  The new you, the new era, the new way of being and more. Newness must mark the start of any new era. And naturally the old must fully crumble and die first. For, in truth, the very foundations of the old are rotten to the core and are even now disintegrating, as we speak.


Of course, to you who watch and wait, the coming signs will be the first visible ones. Though you know it not, much has already disintegrated behind the scenes. This remains a carefully kept secret by the dark side so that members of the public would never discover this great cause for inspiration, hope and actual evidence of the dying old guard.


But secrets can only be kept for so long. And the natural laws have already kicked in, which makes the previously-easy mass deception and lies unworkable at the present moment. As can be seen as evidence all over the mainstream media and more importantly, the impact these are having by AWAKENING the many. The reverse of their objectives.


We, as emissaries of the Divine, take our roles very seriously. And the time to come will finally give us an opportunity to work together WITH you. This has been a long time in the making and preparing, and we rely on you to bring your entire Self to the table.


This period is one of the times you have been so diligently preparing yourSelves for. 

Did you think your preparation and all you’ve learned was to be used silently only? Or did you think perhaps it was to help boost others vibrationally that they alone could step forward, but not you? Or perhaps your thinking was that you would continue being an ‘invisible influencer’ in some capacity and that this would be enough? [SK: Definitely telling me off here...lol...anyone else?]


Unfortunately or fortunately [as you perceive it] none of the above apply. For you have come to make a conscious and visible difference to those who come upon you and you them.


Let us take this example. Do you recall not so long ago a time when a majority on planet thought they would wake up at the start of 2012 [or the Y2K tech panic in 2000?] and the entire world would present differently? That everything they knew as a ‘reality’ would be changed?


Do you recall the uncertainty over this for a long time, especially in the spiritual and truther-identified communities? And of course, this energetic contagion affected and permeated the consciousness of many others too. There was much fear over what this might have looked like, how the world and especially THEIR own world might look.  Many had a wait-and-see attitude and approach. Much like many today apropos the supposed ‘vaccines’.


I illustrate with this example the absolute and continued reliance by AWAKENED people to FIRST wait upon the outer world to present changes before you awakened ones have been willing to change your inner [re]action. You’ve had it in reverse, beloveds. In fact, this is partly WHY 2012 and beyond didn’t occur as per your understanding and expectations of it.


We would not prefer another round of this and a very much longer dragged out version of events purely because you do not KNOW that this STANDING is what is expected of you. YOU expect it of you and you came to Earth for this [at least in part].


It is not a question of waiting but rather CREATING the momentum for the event yourselves. Your very openness and allowing is what gives momentum to the opportunity to STAND.


Beloveds, your time to be the very love and light in the fullness of your TRUE Selves in service to all others is at hand.


Will you rise to the challenge and put your self-doubts and lack of confidence aside to take on the mantle of the Christed light that all might benefit?

For this is YOUR Earth.

YOU are the deciders of so very much. And your choices and their consequences are POWERFUL BEYOND MEASURE.


We watch and wait [the irony is not lost on usJ] on the sidelines.


With deep love for every one of you, our warriors of Love, Light and Truth J



Thursday, May 13, 2021



 6 MAY 2021


For those who call themselves the new age lightworkers:

It is time, beloveds,  to begin the process of facing thyself. What do I mean by this,  you may ask?

Your next level of awareness awaits now and it comes packaged differently for each of you. You are at a point in your eternal journey’s growth where you will start to see more of the truths of your very own self – reflected by what occurs in your environment. This could be part of a collective response, as per unravellings of truth in the public eye. Or it could be something/s far more personal to you. Often it will be both. 

For as changes occur, so will you choose to rise [or fall J] to the occasion. What will be required in all cases is a change of mind, as you feel into the situation, which leads to a change of heart.

Of course, THIS is why you are on earth, after all. To CHANGE. And thus to grow. And where better to do this than on this Earth at this most propitious time, planetarily. Never has there been quite such an intense time on the Earth plane in terms of both challenges and opportunity.  Hence the ability to CHANGE yourselves, should you so choose.

 For always is your free will honoured above and beyond all else. Once you have assessed your situation, despite chaotic or confusing feelings and thoughts you will be required to make new choices. It is not meant to be cryptic, what I say. But those of you identified as lightworkers are but one of numerous groups – frequency/vibrationally-speaking – who are to have potential new choices before them. Of course and always, IF you so choose to do.

There are no saviours coming; no rescue operation and no looking any longer to those you have considered trustworthy guides, leaders, inspirers.

For it shall be up close and personal and in your faces, so to speak, that these ones will turn out to be many times the OPPOSITE of that which you have chosen to be-lie-ve they are.

 As this polarity strikes you [that these guides are not at all what you perceived them to be, in the main], so will it be a blessing in disguise. For you will real-eyes, in some cases for the first time, that nothing and no one outside of yourselves can provide you with the answers you so desperately seek. And to real-eyes that there never was anything/one outside of the Self that could guide you to the  ‘higher ground’ of your lives.

For the truther communities also waking to yourselves as spiritual beings:

You are in quite a position, beloved ones. One  the one hand, you have been striving to free yourselves by all the means possible before you, even as you explore layer upon hidden layer of what the  dark parasites have been up to behind closed doors. You have striven to know all presented to you on your chosen alternative media sites and via your informers of choice. This has been an admirable undertaking. 

What’s more, most of you have ardently wished to share every bit of verifiable information with those around you – especially apropos high profile persons and issues. Some have succeeded in reaching others with these truths, others not. But all of you are to be commended from breaking the ‘inner spell’ of this particular kind of mind control. The control-spell that has caused so many to remain asleep to their world.

However, now you sit at a crossroads of sorts. You have the information at an intellectual level, but your hearts have been left out of the deal. And here I do not mean your e-motions [energy in motion]. These you have felt – from outrage to anger and great pain for yourself, your families and the world. You have felt and have also succumbed to trapping yourselves in these low frequencies inadvertently, often not knowing what else to do, how else to be, to exist. 

These low emotional frequencies have become a kind of home for many of you, creating a level of comfort within, while you are there. It is what ‘being at home’ does and feels like, after all J This has bred over time a great deal of angst, of frustration, of despair in many, as you wait for a sign, a signal, a public outing...anything that will give you the go ahead to stand up, to speak, to share and contribute.

While others of you have more or less given up, with some having become targeted by the shadow government agencies who watch and interfere with your every move. This has deeply saddened us, of course. But all has been allowed to occur for the purposes of the outworking of this earth experiment. We have seen and empathised with the misery of you who have ‘held out’ for a better option and future.

Now your choice immediately ahead is to begin the inner-standing that you are not alone and that you are soul having a human experience. Some of you have real-eyes’d this already. Others are in the process. And others yet again prefer remaining solely in their heads, at the level of intellect. 

To inner-stand and accept you are soul having a human experience adds an entirely new dimension to your experience. Those of you in this grouping have researched life after death, other possible worlds beyond this one, alternative planetary history, inner earth, etc. and have become comfortable with knowing you do not know, yet you anticipate knowing more. 

This level of openness can aid you in YOUR upcoming choice. What is your choice?

It is one that refrains from shock horror and out and out rejection when you discover that you have continued to be manipulated without your knowledge or consent. Manipulation has taken place at a very insidious level within. Please accept this without wishing to run out and kill anyone.

  And rather KNOW you are part of something that may be invisible, but is much larger than you and more than this, is ever holding you, comforting you and protecting you. IF you will but allow it. 

Suffice to say, it is anger and the abovementioned e-motions [doubt, anger/rage, confusion, depression, etc...] that block this aid from reaching you. Your catchprase for this coming period could be ‘Equanimity in all things’.

Now, to those newly-awakening and the recently-awakened:

When I use the work ‘awakened’ I use it to describe those who have discovered they are far more than their personalities, seeming-characters and bodies - in some cases, quite quickly. They have discovered that something beyond this form moves in them, IS them and they are excited, feeling a little trepidation [as this has necessarily stretched their perception of ‘reality’] and great relief and wonder simultaneously.

You, who have woken up to yourSelves have chosen to do so at a glorious time upon the Earth...to match her own budding glory J. Once you have come more fully to your true senses and real Self, you will be bypassing many of the struggles that your mostly-older awakened forebears[those that have gone before you] have had to deal with. 

Why? Because you came to this life more fully equipped at the DNA level and therefore with less 'baggage'.  Timing is all-important and the risen frequencies on planet at the time of your arrival helped enormously. 

You also came bearing great gifts for HUmanity. Yours is a most important piece in the puzzle, as is the case for all. And this is that you bring a clarity of vision in the respective gifts/offerings that you bring forth.

We also would like to thank you for your patience in waiting for this time before jumping in, so to speak. But of course all is chosen in accordance with your soul and Creator’s desire and will both.  

And so to you, our gratitude, for you will become the new forerunners for future generations of new beings upon the Earth already, as well as those yet to arrive. You will be taking things – new structures, ways of behaviour and doing things for the greatest good of all – forward.  And others shall be joining you from the higher realms to help you to steer the Earth ship. [SK: HS is kind of beaming joyfully here].

Now, let us move to our starseeds/angelics/ground crew:

Aaah, it is you that have borne the biggest brunt of the changes from one world to another, enduring the greatest difficulty, pain, sorrow, struggle [SK: I’m already bawling] and so much more that has been burdensome to you. 

Yet it is also you who have had the greatest opportunity to shape this shift, which has been a first in many ways. Ever on the frontline as pathcutters, you are and have been our special task force, you could say J

Without all of you none of the changes would have been possible in the first place. You have held the incoming energies, opened portals/energetic doorways, etherically and during sleep, as well as while awake. Your very physical bodies have been used to clear energetic obstructions, anchor in the new codes and higher energies. In service to all, you have been holding both and helping release and heal at the collective, planetary as well as at personal levels. 

We have not forgotten about the break you have asked for – many for a long time :-) This comes still.  We real-eyes how very taxing this has been on your particular forms. Especially given that many of you have been on this very active path, quite devoted to your service and inner work for many a long year. In some cases, it has been for decades.

None of this goes unrecognised. You may, at this stage, feel too weary to care much but all of your long service has not only NOT been in vain, but also has assisted in shifting timelines for ALL of Earth’s inhabitants to the one we are now on which is in and for the best and highest possible outcome for ALL.  This too is a feat.

As mentioned, there are many firsts in this Earth experiment. Not least that which is to result in a permanent and total eradication of the once all-pervasive darkness from this planet and universe, after  it's millennia long presence.  And THAT in and of itself is a miracle created by you, yourselves!

We congratulate you and bow deeply before you all for your unwavering commitment in the face of seemingly-ongoing turbulence, interference and more. 

Of course, some would see congratulating you as premature. For the final moment of your once dark-controlled world is yet to play out, producing some chaotic moments for all inhabitants of Earth.

Yet and in truth, we have won! We are victorious! And together we will rise, helping our brothers and sisters do the same.  We bless you and love you for ALL that you are.

Go forth unto the Grace of God and stand tall as the beacons of shine that you are. After all, you are divinity made manifest J



SK: Why have you left out the sleeping majority [and the darkie parasites]?

EM: In their sleeper state they have held the opposing polarity to wakefulness and thus conscious free will choice. It is they that have been needed, in many instances, for those who have awakened in some or another way.

The same applies to the dark. You have needed this as a collective, in order to see and know the existence of Light, it's opposite. All in polarity serves to trigger growth. 

Monday, May 10, 2021




7 May 

Everyone you meet [and don’t] has a story to tell. A story of their own journey in and with the Divine/God within. Even if they don’t recognise it as such. For, in truth, all are playing their roles in accordance with the Divine’s desire in conjunction with their own wills. Ever deeper, ever higher, with every incarnation, all goes/grows until...one fine day...

It is on this momentous day in time, space, place that the Divine calls you back home unto your blessed heart. Which in truth, is the heart of the Divine/God living within you.

In each era have there been souls placed upon Earth as pole-holders,  if you like. These ones have been here, playing their role to ensure that the Light upon Earth could never be extinguished. No matter how intense the darkness may have appeared. Now this holding of the Light in place is all but over...

And the call goes out now to all of these ones, as well as the many who have prepared themselves for this time of the great reckoning on Earth, when all shall know who and what they are and what the world is in truth. Yes, there will be intense pain and joy [especially for those who have long awaited the freedom this brings] occurring for Earth’s inhabitants simultaneously.

We say only to all of ye – some who have spent decades preparing yourSelves for this upcoming period – that ye will know your rightful place, will know your specific  puzzle piece’s importance and the gift/s you bring to the chaos. 

However, all of you shall know PEACE. The peace that passeth all understanding J You will know, be and express this subsequently and it will be the CALM IN THE STORM.

YOU will sooth the masses in their respective forced awakenings and will hold the fort of love, compassion, joy and inner-standing that all may take refuge in. As and if they so desire.

You could say, beloveds, this is the time you came to live and be of service to your brethren in. You are the ANCHORS in a world gone mad with rage and confusion. And YOU are thus the wayshowers of the other side – all that is good and of God, of the spirit of Creator.

We know you will ALL do a sterling job. And it goes without saying, but I say it again, we are ever at your side. On standby, as you are, to lend a hand to you... lending a hand.

 Call and we are there for you.

Our and my love rings out strong, clear and without hindrance. For THIS, LOVE, is what changes everything.

Until next




Lara Fabian: You Are Not From Here

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