I AM Present

I AM Present

Monday, May 10, 2021




7 May 

Everyone you meet [and don’t] has a story to tell. A story of their own journey in and with the Divine/God within. Even if they don’t recognise it as such. For, in truth, all are playing their roles in accordance with the Divine’s desire in conjunction with their own wills. Ever deeper, ever higher, with every incarnation, all goes/grows until...one fine day...

It is on this momentous day in time, space, place that the Divine calls you back home unto your blessed heart. Which in truth, is the heart of the Divine/God living within you.

In each era have there been souls placed upon Earth as pole-holders,  if you like. These ones have been here, playing their role to ensure that the Light upon Earth could never be extinguished. No matter how intense the darkness may have appeared. Now this holding of the Light in place is all but over...

And the call goes out now to all of these ones, as well as the many who have prepared themselves for this time of the great reckoning on Earth, when all shall know who and what they are and what the world is in truth. Yes, there will be intense pain and joy [especially for those who have long awaited the freedom this brings] occurring for Earth’s inhabitants simultaneously.

We say only to all of ye – some who have spent decades preparing yourSelves for this upcoming period – that ye will know your rightful place, will know your specific  puzzle piece’s importance and the gift/s you bring to the chaos. 

However, all of you shall know PEACE. The peace that passeth all understanding J You will know, be and express this subsequently and it will be the CALM IN THE STORM.

YOU will sooth the masses in their respective forced awakenings and will hold the fort of love, compassion, joy and inner-standing that all may take refuge in. As and if they so desire.

You could say, beloveds, this is the time you came to live and be of service to your brethren in. You are the ANCHORS in a world gone mad with rage and confusion. And YOU are thus the wayshowers of the other side – all that is good and of God, of the spirit of Creator.

We know you will ALL do a sterling job. And it goes without saying, but I say it again, we are ever at your side. On standby, as you are, to lend a hand to you... lending a hand.

 Call and we are there for you.

Our and my love rings out strong, clear and without hindrance. For THIS, LOVE, is what changes everything.

Until next




Lara Fabian: You Are Not From Here

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