These are some of the snippets and messages the wonderful Nina Starsong receives for your reading pleasure, elucidation and inspiration.
They are in order of the most recent yesterday, I think, to ones from 2 weeks ago, right at the bottom. New paras equal separately-written messages.
Thought you may get something out of them. Some very comforting, supportive and loving messages from IMS/Holy Mother included here
En-joy and much love
NINA STARSONG WRITINGS [from her Telegram group]
They are trying to start a war between the vaxed and the unvaxed. This is also why I keep being shown that things will drastically change for us this month. Stock up now and prepare to stay put wherever you are. It is likely that huge strikes will, gas, water shortages. I doubt the grid will go down because their main goal is the AI agenda and to isolate all of us from interacting with society unless we are vaxed. This is their plan, but God is already waaaaaay ahead of them Once again this evening I was led to another brother who consciously wants to experience AI, and even majored in it in college. Although we both knew we had made very different choices and that at some point there would be a divide in conciousness allowing several timelines to play out, we did agree on one thing. The freedom to choose. I'll never understand how someone could want to merge themselves with AI, and how they can believe that it will be used conciously..He explained that what he sees through AI is the potential for freedom, for machines to run the world so that humans can be free to create and live their dreams and everyone can be paid the same fair global ammount. I told him that he was talking about the new world order, and that although the idea of that might sound attractive, that in actuality benevolence and AI do not fit together. I asked him how he thinks that the current conciousness level of the majority of humans could ever be trusted to be responsible with AI. He did not answer, but shared that he had heard the theories I spoke of. So I asked him this...Do you believe in God..and that was when I saw it, his pain.. He said that he was atheist agnostic, though spiritual..I sat there this evening asking God why he had connected us this evening... I'm understanding more and more that beyond political parties, and vaxines...conciousness is dividing, and it is becoming more and more transparently clear to see, those who serve source, and those who serve self. Although it hurts my heart to have such conversations, I do know that all is perfect, and that it truly can not be any other way. If God has given each one of us the free will to choose, then we must accept and honor the choice that those who have chosen the AI timeline have made. Many wrote it into their scripts before ever even being born, and although it will be very hard for us to let them go, and watch them walk in that direction we too must accept the choice that they have made. Everyone gets to choose. At this time, we are being surrounded by much distraction from the world's madness. The best thing any of us can do is to stay focused on heavenly realms. The world has always been mad.. the difference now, is that as the Holy Spirit is pouring out, she is illuminating the darkness that has always been there, and she is also dropping the scales from our collective eyes. It is important for all of us to know that this must occur in order for many many many souls to finally awaken to God's truth and God's Kingdom. When the world no longer makes sense, and nothing outside of you makes sense anymore..that is when people start to look inside, and most importantly they look to God. Beyond political parties, optics and agendas...The only answer is, and has always been to turn our hearts and our minds back to God. Now the majority of the world can finally see that the only disease and the largest disease is the lack of God in our lives. God is allowing the darkness to have this limited time in order to use whatever Team Satan does to awaken and to lead the walking dead in spirit back to him. Every move that Team Satan makes, or will make...God will use against them..and more then that, God will use it to his advantage and turn that darkness into his light. Our creator is the greatest chess player, and already knows exactly how this game ends, or rather begins. If it were not this way many many many souls would have been lost within the death of the fleshly matrix. This has and is not about saving bodies, or the flesh..this has always and will always be about saving souls. Be prepared for the darkness to pour out, and also know that the ammount of darkness poured out is so so very tiny compared to the amount of light that God's heart of love will illuminate in so many souls through all of that darkness. This world will pass...but the eternal Kingdom of heaven, and all souls who drink forth from the living Christed Holy Waters will live eternally in the garden of Eden together. As the world gets darker...heaven will only shine brighter, and so will all of God's starseeds who are his light houses. Together we will do this and more through the heart of Christ now seated in the throne of our hearts. God is love, and God's love is sooooooo much bigger then all of this, and soooooo much bigger then anything any of you are facing. When Team Satan comes knocking..laugh in their face and let them know that the living Christ lives in you. Take back your supernatural authority and command those demons to get out. Spiritual warfare is very real, but as a child of God, the Victory is already yours. This next chapter in the awakening is a walk in blind faith. Trust her, the Holy Spirit in your heart to light your lamp, and to flood the dark hallways with her heavenly lights. It will not make sense to your mind, but those who hear the spirit and see through her Holy eyes will see all of this as perfect, as beyond duality, and through the eyes of forgiveness. Ask and it is done on earth, as it is in heaven. All will be given a choice, no matter if they are vaxed or not.. God is speaking to all of her creations. Will you return to me, or will you continue to run away from my love? God's love can , and will ressurect all those dead in the spirit..NOTHING IS TOO BIG FOR GOD. Love, your Holy Spirit. We, our bodies are the new Jerusalem. Our bodies are the Temple in which Christ will live in with us...death can not touch us. And God's people will be raised to Priests and given the earth eternally. This is not very far away.... I keep feeling like very soon we might just wake up and find only the meek and humble around us. Almost like we will be invisible to anyone who is on another timeline. It is so very fascinating to witness such visions. The closest thing I can compare it to is the words of Christ...when one is taken and one is left behind. I know that we are all feeling the future waves of what is about to hit us..yet I see that we are being so Divinely covered and protected through this, that even if a certain group came looking for us for example, or if they broke into your home and you were there...they would not actually be able to see is like we will all be cloaked in 5D Christ conciousness cloaks..and only those who will be able to see each other, and or interact with one another will be only our 5D soul family and tribe, who have been chosen to inherit the earth. Yet on another timeline the 4D beast sytem will be fully playing out, but we are all living in heaven on earth together in the midst of it. I keep feeling like very soon we might just wake up and find only the meek and humble around us. Almost like we will be invisible to anyone who is on another timeline. It is so very fascinating to witness such visions. The closest thing I can compare it to is the words of Christ...when one is taken and one is left behind. I know that we are all feeling the future waves of what is about to hit us..yet I see that we are being so Divinely covered and protected through this, that even if a certain group came looking for us for example, or if they broke into your home and you were there...they would not actually be able to see is like we will all be cloaked in 5D Christ conciousness cloaks..and only those who will be able to see each other, and or interact with one another will be only our 5D soul family and tribe, who have been chosen to inherit the earth. Yet on another timeline the 4D beast sytem will be fully playing out, but we are all living in heaven on earth together in the midst of it. I'm getting the feeling at this time, that rather then Federal vax mandates, we will be seeing corporate vax mandates..especially among all of the pro NWO beast sytem timeline corporations. And these companies are energetically tied to the 4D grid. As God's people stand up and strike such corporations, new corporations who are of the sovreign template will rise up..some already exist, and others will be created. This is a part of God's promise to us.. The first will be last, and the last will be first. So, although there is time, at this point I am clearly seeing that the majority of the mainstream corporations that hold the current power will likely be the ones who will enforce the vax my guidance is telling me to begin to make the proper arrangements in regards to cell, banking, and such. I will be tuning into this more and more, and also share whatever new companies I am guided towards supporting with my energy. I feel that we should all do the same. It has also been made clear to me that neighborhood meet up spots amongst those that are awake, May also be a good idea. For example it is easier to travel in numbers then alone, incase of massive deaths, destruction, or power, water and gas outages or shortages. It would be great to have a few community light houses, or meet up spots incase of cell towers going down ...then everyone heads to this person's house. This is a kin to the disciples who gathered together to worship, share food and pray together. When they shut down the churches, which they likely will, we will still be able to meet underground so to speak, and in cases of emergency have a designated location. I would even suggest this within households. I would also suggest having a code word with your children. As a child I had this with my mother, and it was not until years later that I had to use it, and it kept me alive when I was being held in India by the Kashmiri mafia. In this case if your child is in danger, they can simply text or call you and say your safety word to notify you that they are in danger. Although none of these options may ever be necessary, I am personally being guided to implement this in my community. Either way, we know that God will guide us, and even if you do not have a plan, or you find yourself in the midst of chaos, or somehow need emergency help, God will always make a way for you. Different perspectives cause different realites...and the picture changes for the one who is seeing it through their current ability to perceive, or to not perceive yet.. that which exists beyond the world. The Lenz of spirit sees a very different picture. They simply can't see it the way you see it...because they are seeing the ever changing kaleidoscope of experiences from a different perspective then yours. So while the world will be creating inorganic COVID bubbles...God is creating organic ascension bubbles ...Team Satan is always just an inverted copy cat... As God is giving us the big Christ dose to accelerate our awakening ..Team Satan is trying to create boosters as fast as possible to compete with God's organic Holy Spirit medicine.... One leads to death while the other leads to eternal life. So the choice is not actually the red pill or the blue pill but rather the Satan pill or the God pill...and all must choose. The above is today's message about the acceleration of our own starships. We are rising and our own unique star ship is manifesting more and more into our desired 5D heaven on earth timeline. We are literally leaving the world, and in some cases have already left it. The cosmic CHRISTED LOVE elevator is moving at light speed. Todays Prophetic message and vision just received. God is sending his angels in for battle! Wow the chariots of fire are being sent in. Set my people free!!! WOW! THE HOLY SPIRIT KEEPS SAYING THIS OVER AND OVER AND OVER... NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST YOU SHALL PROSPER! ON REPEATE. AND THEN THIS WITH HUGE EXCLAMATION POINTS. THINGS ARE ABOUT TO GET EXTREMELY SUPERNATURAL! THIS IS VERY EXCITING NEWS! The Holy Spirit has just reminded me that the vaxed do not need our judgments, they have already made their many will also take the boosters. We can't convince them, and some how it is their souls destiny. what they need from all of us more then anything is our powerful prayers and blessings on their remaining time here, and also their transition..May they be born again through God's unconditionally loving heart... out of the flesh and through the portal of Christed light that is the spirit. I just received more clarity for all of us and our prophetic visions...the safety bubbles are sort of like our versions of when the ships land...which is why so many of us keep waiting for the ships to land..the beautiful twinkle lights..they are actually heavenly celestial lights and they will surround us through every storm and or matter what happens we have all be waiting for this moment since we were born. We were made for this.
and safety..for I will carry you safely through this storm...and every storm. Love, The Holy Spirit.
within each and every heart of every man, woman, and child. For those who serve source, it will illuminate their inherent giftings, and their seeds of light shall bloom.and produce beautiful fruits..they will glow, and they will prosper, they will be lifted up, and exhalted as the meek who shall inherit the earth... But for those who have the wicked seed within their hearts, their own inner hell shall rage, and the choices they have made, and the skeletons and the demons living within their souls will begin to eat them will appear as though they are and have gone insane...the flesh shall fade, but those born of the spirit shall live eternally in my cosmic body. This is a part of the great plan of creation to sort through the hearts of all, and to find the purest of hearts. To find the innocent and the courageous and the brave. Children of the light hold fast, and trust the promise that your God, and your Prince of Peace has given you. Be not afraid, but instead be at peace...for when all these signs come to pass, you will each one of you know that the day draws near when all of heavens angels shall sing from the clouds, when the trumpets shall sound and when that bright beautiful light shall appear in the sky..for all my sheep always know my name. I will return for you..I will always find you, because you are a part of my Holy Grail Rainbow Covenant. For it is written upon your heart and it is sealed through the Holy Trinity. I am yours and you are mine always and forever. When 2 become 1 When heaven returns to Eden. Love, The Holy Spirit and Nina as the receiver and voice box. WHEN 2 BECOME 1 WE ARE THE COSMIC BRIDGES BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH. WE ARE THE RECEIEVERS OF THE DIAMOND LIGHT OF GOD. WE ARE GODS LIGHT HOUSES GOD FIERCELY PROTECTS HIS LIGHT HOUSES, BECAUSE WE ARE HIS DECSENDENTS,AND WE CARRY HIS CHRISTED DNA IN OUR BLOOD. WE ARE A PART OF THE CHRIST LINEAGE. TAP INTO YOUR CHRISTED SELF AND ACTIVATE YOUR DNA THROUGH PRAYER AND FASTING. REMEMBER THAT WE ARE PROTECTED SUPERNATURALLY AMD THAT NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST US SHALL EVER PROSPER. IF GOD IS ALL YOU HAVE, YOU HAVE ALL YOU NEED.
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