I AM Present

I AM Present

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Letters To El (1)

  Hello there El

So happy to be able to respond to & interact with you like this.

The past couple of months has been like being the star in my very own sci-fi movie. My favorite genre.   But really, my experience the past 9 months have actually felt like 5 years of “ time” has passed.

Like laundrette owner, Evelyn, in the movie ‘Everything, Eveywhere All The Time’ I feel like I’ve been variously flying & crawling through time-space. Where I’m having  jam-packed experiences  & endless activity…

Most being other-dimensional: parallel realities & other higher dimensional existences, resolving old timelines, et al. 

Im living increasingly in the moment, barely know which day of the week/weekend it is & routinely awaken confused. At least until I pull myself back into body & this fake time-space. It’s clear we’re en route to living in a Zero Point state..

At other times & by contrast, I’ve felt quite still while multitudes  of timelines seemingly rush past & through me at seeming-hyper speed,each one altering something subtle in my energy fields. 

The cosmic blasts of late has been steadily intensifying but you don’t need me to tell you that. While the last few weeks have seen  a surreal, dreamy disorientation challenging physical/emotional functionality for me.

I find myself alternating between a vertigo-type wobble all over the place & that feeling of trying to walk on a ship navigating a rough sea. Walls & doors are my essential supports.I understand the latter’s higher timelines now being  made accessible to us! Wowza!

The irony is that my life on the human level is more like the opposite of these adventures. Which I’m kinda grateful for as I often joke with others that this “reality”is like a walk in the park compared to what I’m doing & being after dark. 

I guess how else would I & all of us experiencing similarly be able to do the necessary clearing, anchoring & integration of the constant energetic bombardment of incoming light waves.


As it intensifies in this body-brain-biology, it’s all I can do to keep reminding myself I AM  while…”i” am not & as all fake thoughts,feelings, beliefs arise re the latter. That kind of conscious awareness is a daily challenge I can’t stop or regress in as the objective is to reveal more of mySelf to me.Thus becoming an ever-clearer instrument of God’s will.

As the Light incrementally becomes stronger  it’s come to my attention that the updated  version of gaslighting  me-occurring for almost a decade, compliments the shadow people-has taken a new turn with people I meet. Whether socially/groups/creative collaborations/employment.

This is next level, beyond  the years of blackmail/bribery of unsuspecting folk who have contact with me. Offered money/jobs by same shadow people, the 1 in 100 who know they’re really agreeing to sacrificing their sovereignty & who refuse to do so, are threatened! 

Then there’s been the arrival of new (paid)friends or potential romantic interests “sent” by same employers. The former’s directive has been to steer my thought/feelings in a specific manipulative direction. I know this how? Through my God-given gifts & I then receive tangible proof to confirm for myself.Thats apart from the revelations of a few brave souls over the years…

The current tech in circulation is deep fake identity theft. AI is such that the creation of an entirely fake video/Audio is simple using our easily-accessible voice & image.Then making a video based on “our” convincing mannerisms using extremely limited data &transformed by AI tech Is all  it takes to produce the desired emotion in anyone listening/viewing.  In my case the negative emotion desired about me is “disgust” toward s me in this new AI era of gaslighting.

I’ve mentioned before on X, my  childhood friends, blood relatives, past besties, ex girlfriends/boyfriends, acquaintances, etc have all been emotionally poisoned.

Previously, this AI tech, holograms, clone tech etc  have mainly  been used on politicians,royals, celebrities, trendsetters. Primarily to aid the fake matrix in convincing us of their very existence. Long after they died,in many instances!

Because of the small fortune that must have been spent trying to steer me away from my mission over many years-including attempts to take me out, kill careers & sabotage my life numerously-  it was only 10-15 years ago I began more seriously  trying to discover who I AM as soul to warrant such attention.

It had nothing to do with my journalism contributions but everything to do with my Light warrior mission here. In retrospect, contributing my little drop in the ocean  may not have been so little, after all. 

I began obsessing about how amazing I was as a being  (*tongue firmly in cheek*)after discovering what & who I’d been in one of my 1000+ lives on Earth-until I eventually stopped that self-aggrandizing ego scheme. It had never come from an authentic place of truly loving myself, anyway. 

Truth is, worldly achievement has got nothing on me/us & what we’re doing here. And many of us have little conscious clue of exactly what beneficial impact  we’re having and making on each other, the collective & Mama Earth.That  includes me!

We are each here to play the preplanned role we’re playing by being  precisely who we are. When you know God’s holding your hand& guiding your every step, life becomes so much more meaningful, comforting & fulfilling.

Even though we all agreed to this experience of amnesia as to our true identity. Seems mad, right? 

Some of us have been prepping for this upcoming Grand Finale for decades,yet we are all Godlings-in-training whether conscious or not of our processes & regardless of current timeline choices.

Sooner  or later, we hit the lifetime where we know we are making the transition from a little self-centred existence to a big Self-centred one.

Meaning we then come from,emanate and  live the will of God as our natural point of reference, in service first to God and thus HU-Manity.

For this to occur  a dissolution of little self identity is prerequisite as we melt into the no-thing ness of All that we are in Oneness. Hallelujah!

Around 7-10 days ago I heard from my Galacven crew(Galactics & Heaven): “ Steer the ship steady, Shellee”. So yeah, that’s the focus planetarily, as well as in the personal sense. At the same time my Galacvens  said they were waiting to welcome  me  & celebrate with me  at the finish line-on the return  Home… to my heart! 

Then they -or one fave of mine who has the best SOH ever- gave me an hysterically-funny visual of them all blowing those kids Birthday party paper rollout whistles & I heard “We’re here in our party hats & birthday suits…” Well, my tears then spilled from so much laughter & I laugh whenever I remember this😂 ðŸ˜‚ 

More seriously, yesterday, Monday,I awoke to a 2 part message, one of which was: “ I AM wiping the slate clean”.

Unless obviously personal like above, messages also apply to the collective. Because I AM you, too, and you & you & you ….are all aspects of me!

Thanks for reading my ramblings & your appreciation, innerstanding & encouragement…that means the world to me. 

Most especially Thank you being you &:serving all those who resonate so beautifully.

With love from all that I AM 
